Posts by Category


Cleaning Up Your Local Git

less than 1 minute read

Do you work with a lot of branches in git? Do you ever find the number of branches you have checked out locally is too d*mn high? Well, never fear! Powersh...

Mounting Folders as PSDrives

1 minute read

I’ve found a trick that makes working with multiple git repositories a breeze! Did you know that powershell has this nifty feature called a PSDrive? It’s a...

Aliasing Git Commands in Powershell

1 minute read

The git commandline tooling is awesome. I absolutely love it - it’s just about the only way I interact with git. However, have you ever noticed that you fr...

One More Time For Effect

less than 1 minute read

So! Here I am, finding myself attempting to reboot my blog again. I’ve tried twice and just haven’t been able to make this new habit stick.

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